Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I am Proud

Today is the day, are you enjoying  it? Or are you allowing it to consume you, tear you apart and make a stew out of you? It seems that the trouble these days has nothing to do with our present society but the fact that the citizens are forgetting who they are. Have you done anything lately that you are proud of? Something that makes you stand up straight, scream at the sky saying I did it, I succeeded and today I am proud of myself. Is that not what we all want to be able to do?

 We walk this earth for a short amount of time but we take for granted the time we spend alone, we cannot face the facts that maybe we are meant for more than the mundane life we are leading. When do you realize that? When do you take back control, and decide what your life is going to be like. It is not something that can be taken lightly, we must fight for our strength, we must learn from our past and we must remember to keep moving forward. The moment you stop, is the moment you lose your momentum towards a life that you want. That is the moment that you find that you are not who you thought you were. You are not what everyone expects. At some point, you will disappoint people, and you will disappoint yourself-it is important to learn that these disappointments are what will propel you forward. They will rejuvenate you and create a new spark. So, you didn’t win the race on Saturday. Do you give up?

 No, you practice harder, run harder, and never look back and before you know it you are in the winner’s circle holding up that glorious trophy. Because that is all we want, a reward for our accomplishments. Someone to validate our self-esteem and say, congratulations.  That is why it is important to get this message across. We can validate our own victories. They do not have to be races, or games. They can be simple victories like getting up in the morning. It’s something that is easily overlooked but very important for any person to accomplish. Would you be where you are today if you did not first wake up?

Until next time


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